Sunday, January 22, 2012

Enter the Year of the Dragon...again

Auntie and Nephew Day 2011

It is Chinese New Years (CNY) 2011 - enter the year of the Dragon. Last year was very full of transitions for many reasons, blah blah blah (will spare the boring details). Lots of change - some good, some new and some necessary, life is like that sometimes. Mostly cleaning and purging dad's place and dealing with a life event move for him/us. Likewise I have my own life event of my own clean and purge. Some things are too precious to let go if ever.

Every year for CNY, we clean house/cook our best dishes and visit with family and friends. We put out oranges, they are good omens for coming year. We cook rice/fish/chicken (more than enough) at the end and beginning of the year. These are touchstones of good fortune. 

We give red envelopes (Li See) to the young in the family - Li See and my favorite giving sweets, to sweeten their journey. When my kids where younger I did more, as I am older I do less - but they remember more. They remember.

Journeys are rich and fruitful, even when hard. It is the richness of the journey that is the great gift.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stitches in the small things...

Baby Blanket made by Lisa Chin

We recently caught up to a friend whom I have known forever it seems. He makes it so comfy to just listen and really "be there" for me. The treasure of friendship is ease. The ease in which we slip into being safe to share.

I have been thinking of our visit all week, nothing spectacular happened. We had breakfast at a diner - eggs, sausage and coffee. Simple? I came to appreciate with deep understanding the gift of laughter and the grace of time.Weird, we do not physically see each other often. Once in a blue moon - an airport, a common event now and then. Shortly we will be off on a journey far away as we follow our passions overseas or a few blocks away and we wish each other well.

I look forward to keeping in touch by modern correspondence - not quite the same. There are great smiles you miss, juicier comments and heart felt hugs. We wish each other well

My BFF (best friends forever) echo the beginner quilters I have taught. There are many parts in making a patchwork quilt. It has many steps and can try your patience - it is in the care in each step and stitch that adds to the beauty of the finished piece.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

When you Wrap yourself....

When you wrap yourself in this shawl, bless yourself in the name of the Holy One who loves you and Spirit that guides you.

When I knit this shawl, I pray many prayers into every stitch - that this will keep you warm, make you feel strong, help you feel better.

Maybe this will calm you when you are upset, remind you that I love you that I love you when I am not here, and help remind you that your angel is watching over you. When you wear this shawl, believe in a place so deep in you that God is with you every moment - loves you no matter what.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

reflections of December....

Lots of moments I have waited a lifetime for, a found treasure of Hot Wheels saved in my Grandfathers' briefcase. We (Daniel and I) lined them up a few ways thinking of the best way to organize the many different cars. When you are 2 years old it is important and exciting. I guess this will be another keeper at Grandmas' house.

As I pack my treasures away, it is interesting what I am willing to keep. Even more suprising are childhood things the kids want to keep and the things they want to let is all good, it is all process. (Awwww)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year...2011-transitions

I am beginning this blog as a challenge to myself to put my experiences to written dialog. Not sure who will read it, may be friends, family but especially family of my heart and maybe just for me (how about that).
This is exciting as I have had a life long challenge of not speaking out loud and overcoming my own timid self.....interesting at this time in my journey.
